Estimado Cliente
Gracias por ser un cliente valioso. Necesitamos comenzar a trabajar en la contabilidad del año para preparar los impuestos sobre la renta de su empresa. Su cooperación es esencial para recopilar toda la información necesaria para evitar sanciones y minimizar las probabilidades de una auditoría. También es importante que documentemos todos los ingresos y gastos. Por favor, reúna toda la información que ya tiene y envíenosla antes del 31 de Enero. Más tarde, puede traer los documentos restantes.
A continuación se muestran los plazos para los distintos plazos corporativos. NO somos responsables si incurrirá en multas por no enviar la información a tiempo para presentar o solicitar una extensión:
• 1/31/2024 – Form 1099 due to Subcontractors & Internal Revenue Services (NO EXTENSION):
This form is required by the IRS, for employers to provide any subcontractor that worked for you and earned over $600 during the year. At the time the subcontractor is hired, they should be informed that at the end of the year, they will be given a 1099 Form with their earnings for them to file their personal taxes. In case of an audit, the IRS will be looking for filling compliance, or else the expense will be disallowed. The penalty for not filing 1099 is $50 – $260 per 1099.
• 1/31/2024 – Form W-2 du- Debe ser enviado al IRS y entregado a los empleados. Verifique el nombre, seguro social dirección de los empleados como aparece en la tarjeta del seguro social.
This form is required by the IRS. It must be sent to the IRS and the employees. Verify the name, social security number, and employees’ address.
• 3/15/2024 – S Corporation and Partnership Corporate Taxes due to the Federal and State Govt:
If you do not file your taxes or do an extension by the due date, you will incur penalties of $200 per month per shareholder ($2,400 in penalties per shareholders) and interest. Please, let us know if you are planning to file an extension by March 1.
• 3/15/2024 – Extension for S Corporation and Partnership corporate taxes:
March 15th is the last day to file an extension for corporate taxes for an additional 6 months. If an extension is not filed, you will incur penalties from the IRS and the state of Florida of $300 or $2,400. Let me know by March 1.
Corporaciones Nuevas Importante para una Corporación nueva o inactiva:
Las corporaciones nuevas o compañías inactivas tienen que hacer Taxes aun cuando no hayan tenido actividad. Si no hacen los Taxes, recibirán multas del IRS de $200 del IRS por mes, por cada socio y entre $300-$500 del Estado.
• 4/15/2024 – Personal Income Tax due, Regular Corporations, Trust, and FBAR for foreign Assets.
Please, let us know ahead of time if you are filing an extension by March 15 and pay any balance due with the extension to avoid penalties.
• 4/30/2024 – Uniform Business Report Annual Report (Florida Only). (Must be filed online only):
y tendrá un costo de $150, si lo envía si lo envía antes de. Mayo 1. Si lo envia después May 1, an additional $400 penalty. If you do not file the report at all, they will close the corporation. The re-instatement fee for a closed corporation is between $600 and $950.
Delaware is due 3/1/2024 and the cost os $300
Documentos necesarios para la contabilidad e impuestos de la corporación :
• Bank Statements for the entire year 2023 and y copia de los cheques o colillas de cheques.
• If you do not have a bank account, we need a summary of the income and expenses for the year.
• List of expenses pagado en efectivo o con tarjeta de crédito que no pasó por la cuenta bancaria comercial.
• If you bought equipment, machinery, vehicles, etc, bring the contract or invoice or a list of new equipment with the date of purchase & cost.
• Name, Social Security number, and addresses of all subcontractors for 1099’s. Verify to social security card.
• For auto expenses, we need the car or truck model, original cost, repairs, maintenance, and insurance expenses, etc. Also, the total miles driven during the entire year.
Documentos necesarios para impuestos personales:
• Please, refer to our personal income tax newsletter which you will receive by January 20, for detailed instructions.
We appreciate your cooperation so that we can guarantee the promptness and efficiency of our work. Please, call us if you have specific questions or required detailed information pertaining to your corporation or self-employment tax.
Please, feel free to fax or email us the information